Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Too long. . .

5 months old!

She found her feet!

Lovin' her paci. . .

Daddy's favorite dress.

4 months old!

Anneliese is still making her raspberry noises. She is grabbing her toes and rolling from her tummy to her back. She likes to be on her back best grabbing at her new found toes, or to be sitting up until taking a dive. She giggles on occasion-but only when SHE wants to! She is still loving her rice. She even tried some Chick-fil-A thanks to Aunt Natalia :) Anneliese really likes green beans, likes pears, and kinda likes squash. We will see what favorites are to come. Spring Break was much needed for Daddy, Mommy, and Baby A. We loved the extra cuddle time and of course some shopping and watching Daddy work outside with Uncle Matthew. Anneliese weighs 18 pounds and is about to bust out of her 6/9 month clothing. We hear the growth spike starts to slow down around 6 months. . . wait and see. Happy Easter and catch up soon!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun blog - love those baby pictures - so fun!!

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