Thursday, October 23, 2008

She's here!

Yesterday evening our beautiful baby daughter came into our lives at 7:50pm. Anneliese Marie came in weighin in at 8 pounds 7 ounces. The delivery was falwless.

(This is the before...)

This is the after...

We got to the hospital at 4:30 and three hours later the baby was out. Cassie pushed for 31 minutes and had Anneliese delivered just in time to see Tampa loose game 1 (gotta take the good with the bad.)

Today was a great first day even though we were a bit tired. For some reason the predominant topic of conversation when talking to other parents was the lack of sleep and now I know why. The baby did her best to give mom a break last night and this morning was in an awesome mood. She was personable, real reactive to stimulus, eating well, and pooping tons!
We should be going home tomorrow morning. Thank you for all the support, visits, and wishes.
Much love,

Angel, Cassie, and Anneliese


  1. She's beautiful!!! I love the blog, what a great idea :) We are so happy for your beautiful family and pray all of God's blessings on you all.
    Love, Tim, Natalia and Mason

  2. Well, just like I thought, You three look great, healthy and super happy and I couln't ask for more. Can't wait to see what lies ahead and all the fun times we will have.
    Love you guys, Uncle Jorge
